John Le Mesurier: Filmy a seriály
- 1
- 2Brideshead Revisited (1981)Seriál•Role: Father Mowbray82%
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- 4The Avengers (1961)Seriál78%
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- 6Dad's Army (1968)Seriál•Role: Sergeant Arthur Wilson76%
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- 825. hodina (1967)Film•Role: Tribunal President75%
- 9Armchair Theatre (1956)Seriál75%
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- 11Báječní muži na létajících strojích (1965)Film•Role: francouzský malíř73%
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- 13A Married Man (1983)Seriál73%
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- 15Worzel Gummidge (1979)Seriál72%
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- 18School for Scoundrels or How to Win Without Actually Cheating! (1960)Film•Role: Head Waiter71%
- 19Shake Hands with the Devil (1959)Film•Role: British General70%
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- 21Jigsaw (1962)Film•Role: Mr Simpson70%
- 22Early Bird, The (1965)Film•Role: Colonel Foster70%
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- 24Nesprávná truhla (1966)Film•Role: Doctor Slattery68%
- 25Zkáza Mary Deare (1959)Film•Role: Attorney68%
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- 28Never Let Go (1960)Film•Role: Pennington68%
- 29Rebel, The (1961)Film•Role: Office manager68%
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- 32Bitva u La Plata (1956)Film•Role: Reverend George Groves - Padre, HMS Exeter66%
- 33Play of the Month (1965)Seriál66%
- 34Hi-de-Hi! (1981)Seriál66%
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- 36Nepovedené dobrodružství (1977)Film•Role: Passelewe65%
- 37Touch of Larceny, A (1960)Film•Role: Head of the Admiralty (uncredited)65%
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- 39Gideon's Day (1958)Film•Role: Barrister64%
- 40Kdo zabíjí nejlepší evropské šéfkuchaře? (1978)Film•Role: Dr. Deere64%
- 41Operation Amsterdam (1959)Film•Role: Colonel Janssen64%
- 42Myš na Měsíci (1963)Film•Role: britský vyslanec64%
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- 44Another Time, Another Place (1958)Film•Role: Dr. Aldridge62%
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- 46Law and Disorder (1958)Film•Role: Sir Humphrey Pomfret62%
- 47Carlton-Browne of the F.O. (1959)Film•Role: Grand Duke Alexis61%
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- 49Dobrodružství mladšího a chytřejšího bratra Sherlocka Holmese (1975)Film•Role: Lord Redcliff61%
- 50Jack the Ripper (1959)Film•Role: Dr. Tranter60%
- 51Kapitánův stůl (1959)Film•Role: Sir Angus59%
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- 53Eye of the Devil (1966)Film•Role: Dr. Monnet59%
- 54Pure Hell of St. Trinian's, The (1960)Film•Role: Minister of Education59%
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- 56Buldočí plémě (1960)Film•Role: Prosecuting counsel58%
- 57Our Man in Marrakesh (1966)Film•Role: George Lillywhite57%
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- 59On the Fiddle (1961)Film•Role: Hixon56%
- 60Where the Spies Are (1966)Film•Role: Mc Gillivray56%
- 61Fraška (1965)Film•Role: Sir Robert55%
- 62Sandwich Man, The (1966)Film•Role: Religious Sandwich Man55%
- 63Horko jako v červnu (1964)Film•Role: Roger Allsop55%
- 64Stranger from Venus (1954)Film•Role: Official54%
- 65Five Golden Hours (1961)Film•Role: Dr. Alfiera54%
- 66The Blue Parrot (1953)Film•Role: Henry Carson53%
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- 68War Gods of the Deep (1965)Film•Role: Rev. Jonathan Ives53%
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- 72The Alf Garnett Saga (1972)Film•Role: Frewin51%
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- 74Au Pair Girls (1972)Film•Role: Mr. Wainwright49%
- 75Ďábelský plán dr. Fu Manchu (1980)Film•Role: Perkins49%
- 76Astronaut na dvoře krále Artuše (1979)Film•Role: Sir Gawain49%
- 77Midas Run (1969)Film•Role: Wells48%
- 78Main Attraction, The (1962)Film•Role: Bozo48%
- 79Salt a Pepper (1968)Film•Role: Col. Woodstock46%
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- 81Confessions of a Window Cleaner (1974)Film•Role: Inspector Radlett44%
- 82What's Up Nurse! (1978)Film•Role: Dr. Ogden41%
- 83Three for All (1975)Film•Role: Mr. Gibbons40%