Martin Benson: Filmy a seriály
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- 6Ježíš Nazaretský (1977)Seriál•Role: Pharisee79%
- 7Danger Man (1960)Seriál79%
- 8Profesionálové (1977)Seriál78%
- 9The Saint (1962)Seriál78%
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- 11Thriller (1973)Seriál77%
- 12Third Man, The (1959)Seriál77%
- 13Campion (1989)Seriál77%
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- 15Onedin Line, The (1971)Seriál76%
- 16No Hiding Place (1959)Seriál75%
- 17Champions, The (1968)Seriál75%
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- 23Andělin popel (1999)Film•Role: Christian Brother70%
- 24Ivanhoe (1952)Film70%
- 25Interpol Calling (1959)Seriál70%
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- 27The Message (1976)Film•Role: Abu-Jahal69%
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- 29The Two-Headed Spy (1958)Film•Role: Gen. Wagner69%
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- 33Poldové (1984)Seriál67%
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- 36Protectors, The (1972)Seriál66%
- 37BBC2 Playhouse (1974)Seriál66%
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- 40Oscar Wilde (1960)Film•Role: George Alexander65%
- 41Captain Clegg (1962)Film•Role: Mr. Rash64%
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- 43Flesh Is Weak, The (1957)Film•Role: Angelo Giani62%
- 44Doktor hledá místo (1957)Film•Role: Maharajah62%
- 45Mořští vlci (1980)Film•Role: Mr. Montero61%
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- 47Matter of Who, A (1961)Film•Role: Rahman61%
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- 49The Frightened Man (1952)Film•Role: Alec Stone60%
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- 52Recoil (1953)Film•Role: Farnborough59%
- 53Assassin for Hire (1951)Film•Role: Catesby58%
- 54Man Could Get Killed, A (1966)Film•Role: Politanu58%
- 55Casualty (1986)Seriál57%
- 56The Gambler and the Lady (1952)Film•Role: Tony - Pat's Dance Partner57%
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- 58Gorgo (1961)Film•Role: Dorkin56%
- 59The Adventures of P.C. 49: Investigating the Case of the Guardian Angel (1949)Film•Role: Skinny Ellis56%
- 60Killers of Kilimanjaro (1959)Film•Role: Ali56%
- 61Escape by Night (1953)Film•Role: Guillio Rossini55%
- 62Mozambique (1965)Film•Role: Da Silva54%
- 63Five Golden Hours (1961)Film•Role: Enrico54%
- 64Pope Joan (1972)Film•Role: Lothair53%
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- 66Satan nikdy nespí (1962)Film•Role: Kuznietsky53%
- 67The Secret of My Success (1965)Film•Role: Rex Mansard51%
- 68Sfinga (1981)Film•Role: Mohammed49%
- 69The Gentle Trap (1960)Film•Role: Ricky Barnes49%
- 70Strange World of Planet X, The (1957)Film•Role: Smith46%