14. 4. 2024
Jen jeden film za posledních 50 let vyhrál Oscara za režii a nic jiného. Dříve to bylo běžnéBiografie tvůrce Frank Lloyd momentálně neobsahuje žádné informace.
Frank Lloyd: Nejlepší filmy a seriály
Frank Lloyd: Filmy a pořady 94
- Last Command, The (1955)Film63%
- The Shanghai Story (1954)Film58%
- Last Bomb, The (1945)Dokumentární film62%
- Krev na slunci (1945)Film61%
- Air Pattern - Pacific (1944)Film?
- Forever and a Day (1943)Film68%
- The Lady from Cheyenne (1941)Film61%
- This Woman Is Mine (1941)Film56%
- Howards of Virginia, The (1940)Film59%
- Rulers of the Sea (1939)Film64%
- If I Were King (1938)Film70%
- Wells Fargo (1937)Film65%
- Maid of Salem (1937)Film64%
- Pod dvojí vlajkou (1936)Film62%
- Vzpoura na lodi Bounty (1935)Film76%
- Servants' Entrance (1934)Film?
- Hoopla (1933)Film65%
- Berkeley Square (1933)Film63%
- Cavalcade (1933)Film58%
- A Passport to Hell (1932)Film63%
- East Lynne (1931)Film59%
- The Right of Way (1931)Film42%
- Age for Love, The (1931)Film?
- Son of the Gods (1930)Film55%
- The Lash (1930)Film54%
- Way of All Men, The (1930)Film?
- Divine Lady, The (1929)Film61%
- Weary River (1929)Film60%
- Dark Streets (1929)Film?
- Drag (1929)Film?
- Lilac Time (1928)Film66%
- Adoration (1928)Film?
- Children of Divorce (1927)Film65%
- The Eagle of the Sea (1926)Film?
- Winds of Chance (1925)Film?
- Sea Hawk, The (1924)Film71%
- Silent Watcher, The (1924)Film?
- Within the Law (1923)Film66%
- Black Oxen (1923)Film57%
- The Voice from the Minaret (1923)Film?
- Ashes of Vengeance (1923)Film?
- Oliver Twist (1922)Film66%
- The Eternal Flame (1922)Film?
- A Tale of Two Worlds (1921)Film?
- A Voice in the Dark (1921)Film?
- The Silver Horde (1920)Film?
- William Farnum in a Liberty Loan Appeal (1918)Film?
- The Rainbow Trail (1918)Film?
- His Extra Bit (1918)Film?
- Tale of Two Cities, A (1917)Film62%
- Les Misérables (1917)Film?
- The Intrigue (1916)Film?
- The World and the Woman (1916)Film?
- Jane (1915)Film?
Dodatečné informace
2. 2. 1886
10. 8. 1960