23. 7. 2013
Je to tu! Boj Marvelu a DC začíná - Avengers 2 proti Supermanovi s Batmanem!Biografie tvůrce Harry Lennix momentálně neobsahuje žádné informace.
Harry Lennix: Nejlepší filmy a seriály
Harry Lennix: Filmy a pořady 109
- Isla Monstro (2024)Film•General Dregg (hlas)?
- Young Love (2023)Seriál•Russell Young73%
- Nic není nemožné (2022)Film•Russell Banks55%
- Super Turnt (2022)Film•Mr. Denver54%
- Army of the Dead: Lost Vegas (2022)Seriál?
- Curse of the Macbeths (2022)Film•Banquo?
- Marian Anderson: The Whole World in Her Hands (2022)Dokumentární film?
- Liga spravedlnosti Zacka Snydera (2021)Film•Swanwick / Martian Manhunter
- +1
76% - A Christmas Together With You (2021)TV film•Frank63%
- Císař - občanská válka (2020)Film•Frederick Douglass59%
- Rehabilitation of the Hill (2020)Film•Davidson Livingston?
- Revival! (2019)Film•Pilate64%
- Canal Street (2019)Film•DJ Terrence Palmer49%
- That's Harassment (2018)Film•Politician63%
- The Blacklist: Redemption (2017)Seriál66%
- Needlestick (2017)Film•Ray LeGro34%
- Saint Mary's Secret (2017)Film?
- Romeo and Juliet in Harlem (2017)Film•Capulet?
- For the Love of Christmas (2016)Film64%
- Batman v Superman: Úsvit spravedlnosti (2016)Film•Swanwick
- +1
62% - Timeless (2016)Film•Johnson?
- Macbeth Unhinged (2016)Film•Banquo?
- DCU: Liga spravedlivých: Trůn Atlantidy (2015)Videofilm•Black Manta (voice)65%
- Back to School Mom (2015)Film•Lawrence Riley60%
- Chi-Raq (2015)Film•Blades56%
- H4 (2015)Film•King Henry IV?
- 72 Hours (2015)Film•God?
- Cru (2014)Film•Diego Glass63%
- The Fright Night Files (2014)TV film•Ronald58%
- Algerian, The (2014)Film•Suleyman56%
- Černá listina (2013)Seriál•Harold Cooper77%
- Muž z oceli (2013)Film•General Calvin Swanwick
- +1
75% - Quick Draw (2013)Seriál74%
- Evidence (2013)Film•Ben54%
- They Die by Dawn (2013)Film•Sheriff Bass Reeves48%
- Cruel Will (2013)Film•Dr. Frances29%
- Stand Down Soldier (2013)Film•Officer Freeman?
- Sunny and RayRay (2013)Film•Lenotti?
- Emily Owens M.D. (2012)Seriál66%
- Mr. Sophistication (2012)Film•Ron Waters63%
- The Last Fall (2012)Film55%
- Home & Family (2012)Seriál51%
- Beautiful Soul, A (2012)Film•Jeff Freeze47%
- Kingdom Come (2011)Dokumentární film74%
- Hound Dogs (2011)TV film•Skip?
- Undercovers (2010)Seriál48%
- Dollhouse: Echo-Unaired Pilot (2009)TV film76%
- Na odstřel (2009)Film•Det. Donald Bell72%
- Dům loutek (2009)Seriál•Boyd Langton (27 epizod, 2009-2010)68%
- Malá Velká Británie v USA (2008)Seriál76%
- Malá Velká Británie v USA (2008)Seriál68%
- Fly Like Mercury (2008)Film?
- Across the Universe (2007)Film•Army Sergeant69%
- Reportér v ringu (2007)Film•Bob Satterfield Jr.64%
- Divoký Stomp (2007)Film•Nate60%
- Commander in Chief (2005)Seriál73%
- První prezidentka (2005)Seriál64%
- Dr. House (2004)Seriál
- +1
86% - Ray (2004)Film•Joe Adams81%
- The Matrix Reloaded Revisited (2004)Film77%
- Chrystal (2004)Film•Kalid64%
- Podezření nula (2004)Film•Rich Charleton59%
- Holičství 2 (2004)Film•Quentin Leroux50%
- The Matrix Revolutions Revisited (2004)Film?
- Matrix Reloaded (2003)Film•Commander Lock
- +1
79% - Matrix Revolutions (2003)Film•Lock
- +1
76% - Lidská skvrna (2003)Film•Mr. Silk60%
- Black Listed (2003)Videofilm•Karl Bennett53%
- Never Get Outta the Boat (2002)Film69%
- Keep the Faith, Baby (2002)TV film•Adam Clayton Powell Jr.67%
- Pumpkin (2002)Film•Robert Meary (Poetry teacher)60%
- Protiúder (2002)Film•Dray55%
- Don't Explain (2002)Film?
- 24 hodin (2001)Seriál67%
- Home Invaders (2001)Film55%
- All or Nothing (2001)Film?
- American Temp (2001)Videofilm?
- Láska a basketbal (2000)Film•Nathan Wright71%
- The Artist's Journey (2000)Film?
- Titus (1999)Film•Aaron68%
- The Unspoken (1999)Film•Reverend Bob?
- Chicago Cab (1998)Film•Pissed-Off Boyfriend56%
- Since You've Been Gone (1998)TV film•Jordan Cardozo50%
- Advokáti (1997)Seriál75%
- Ally McBealová (1997)Seriál•Ballard (1 epizoda, 1998)71%
- Too Close to Home (1997)TV film•Prosecuting Attorney62%
- Friends 'Til the End (1997)TV film•Prof. Gunderson61%
- Dlouhá jízda (1996)Film•Randall66%
- Murder One (1995)Seriál82%
- Hra se smrtí (1995)Film•Bill Walker70%
- Nothing But the Truth (1995)TV film•Det. Vernon Jones64%
- Comfortably Numb (1995)Film•Hamlin Day42%
- Pohotovost (1994)Seriál75%
- Hlídat Tess (1994)Film•Kenny Young64%
- Ztracený syn 2 (1994)TV film•Andre Laine59%
- Ztracený syn 4 (1994)TV film•Andre Laine56%
- Diagnóza vražda (1993)Seriál51%
- V nejlepším zájmu dětí (1992)TV film•Tim Coffey67%
- Bob Roberts (1992)Film•Franklin Dockett65%
- Prachy (1992)Film•Tom Dilton53%
- Five Heartbeats, The (1991)Film•Dresser67%
- Perry Mason: Případ umíněné dcery (1990)TV film•Prosecutor Keith Warner63%
- A Mother's Courage: The Mary Thomas Story (1989)TV film•Nero69%
- Vězeň (1989)Film•voják62%
- Zlí hoši (1983)Film70%
Harry Lennix: Fotogalerie 2
Dodatečné informace
16. 11. 1964
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Chicago, Illinois, USA
Vlastní jméno:
Harry Joseph Lennix III