22 Jump Street


Zajímavosti 1

  • V závěrečných titulcích je přehled "potenciálnách" pokračování: 23 JS - medical school, 24 JS - foreign exchynge students (Russian), 25 JS - a semester at see, 26 JS - art school, 27 JS - culinary school, 28 JS - veterinary school, 29 JS - sunday school, 30 JS - flight academy, 31 JS - ninja academy, 32 JS - fireman school, 33 JS - Generations, 34 JS - Return of the Ghost, 35 JS - traffic school, 36 JS - military school, 37 JS - scuba class, 38 JS - dance academy, JS - videohra, 39 JS - animated series, 40 JS - retirement home, 41 JS - magic school, 42 JS - beauty school, 43 JS - mariachi school, 2121 JS